Notion Tree

Notion Tree

The Notion Tree package documentation.

A powerful package for downloading and caching Notion content.


  • Download Notion object trees
  • Cache Notion queries for improved performance
  • Utilities for working with Notion objects and IDs


npm install notion-tree


Downloading a Notion Object Tree

import { downloadNotionObjectTree } from "notion-tree"
const objectTree = await downloadNotionObjectTree(

The downloadNotionObjectTree function is the main entry point for fetching and caching Notion content. It takes the following parameters:

  • cachedNotionClient: An instance of NotionCacheClient
  • startingNode: An object containing rootUUID and rootObjectType
  • cachingOptions: Options for caching behavior

Cache Options

The cacheOptionsSchema defines the following options for caching behavior:

  • cacheDirectory: String, default: "./.downloader"

    • Specifies the directory where cache files will be stored.
  • cleanCache: Boolean, default: false

    • When set to true, clears the existing cache before downloading.
  • cacheStrategy: Enum ["cache", "no-cache", "force-cache"], default: "cache"

    • "cache": Uses cached data if available, fetches and updates cache for missing or outdated data.
    • "no-cache": Always fetches fresh data from Notion, ignoring the cache.
    • "force-cache": Only uses cached data, doesn't fetch from Notion even if data is missing.

NotionObjectTree Methods

The NotionObjectTree class provides several methods for working with the downloaded Notion content:

  • getRoot(): Returns the root node of the tree.
  • getPages(): Returns an array of all PageObjectResponses.
  • getDatabases(): Returns an array of all DatabaseObjectResponses.
  • getBlocks(type?): Returns an array of BlockObjectResponses. If a type is specified, it returns only blocks of that type.
  • traverse<T>(nodeAction, parentContext, startNode?): Traverses the tree, applying a custom action to each node.
  • getParent(objectType, id): Returns the parent of a specified object.
  • getObject(objectType, id): Returns a specific object by type and ID.
  • removeObject(objectType, id): Removes an object and its children from the tree.

Example usage:

const notionTree = new NotionObjectTree(rootNode, initialData)
// Get all pages
const pages = notionTree.getPages()
// Get all paragraph blocks
const paragraphs = notionTree.getBlocks("paragraph")
// Traverse the tree
notionTree.traverse((objectResponse, parentContext, tree) => {
  // Custom action for each node
  return parentContext // or a new context
}, initialContext)

These methods allow you to easily navigate and manipulate the Notion content structure after it has been downloaded.