Notion Cache Client

Notion Cache Client

The Notion Cache Client package documentation.


  • Caches Notion API responses for blocks, pages, databases, and their children
  • Automatically refreshes cache when content is updated
  • Reduces API calls by serving cached data when available
  • Supports persistent cache storage


npm install notion-cache-client


import { NotionCacheClient } from "notion-cache-client"
const client = new NotionCacheClient({
  auth: "your-notion-api-key",
  cacheOptions: {
    cacheDirectory: "./.cache", // Optional: specify a cache directory
// Use the client to make Notion API calls
const page = await client.pages.retrieve({ page_id: "your-page-id" })


The NotionCacheClient extends the official Notion client and provides the same API with caching capabilities. Some key methods include:

  • blocks.retrieve()
  • blocks.children.list()
  • pages.retrieve()
  • databases.retrieve()
  • databases.query()

For full API documentation, refer to the official Notion API docs.

Cache Management

The cache is automatically managed, but you can also control it manually:

// Clear the entire cache
await client.cache.clearCache()
// Save the current cache to disk
await client.cache.saveCache()
// Load the cache from disk
await client.cache.loadCache()


You can configure the cache behavior when initializing the client:

const client = new NotionCacheClient({
  auth: "your-notion-api-key",
  cacheOptions: {
    cacheDirectory: "./.cache",
    // Add other cache options here

Cache Objects

The Notion Cache Client stores various types of objects to enhance performance and minimize API calls. These cache objects correspond to the primary resources provided by the Notion API. Below is an overview of each cache type along with references to the relevant API endpoints.

1. Block Objects Cache

Stores individual block objects retrieved from Notion. Blocks are the fundamental units of content in Notion, such as paragraphs, headings, images, and more.

API Reference:

2. Page Objects Cache

Stores page objects retrieved from Notion. Pages in Notion can contain blocks and serve as containers for various types of content.

API Reference:

3. Database Objects Cache

Stores database objects retrieved from Notion. Databases in Notion allow for structured data management with properties and entries.

API Reference:

4. Block Children Cache

Stores the children of block objects, which are retrieved using the block children endpoints. This includes any nested blocks within a parent block.

API Reference:

5. Database Children Cache

Stores the results of database queries, including the children entries of a database. This cache helps in quickly accessing database records without making repeated API calls.

API Reference:


1. Block Retrieval and Caching:

graph TD
    A[Client: blocks.retrieve] --> B{Cache: getBlock}
    B -->|Hit| C[Return Cached Block]
    B -->|Miss| D[Notion API: blocks.retrieve]
    D --> E[Cache: setBlock]
    E --> F[Return Block]

2. Block Children Retrieval and Caching:

graph TD
    A[Client: blocks.children.list] --> B{Cache: getBlockChildren}
    B -->|Hit| C[Return Cached Block Children]
    B -->|Miss| D[Notion API: blocks.children.list]
    D --> E[Cache: setBlockChildren]
    E --> F[Cache: setBlock for each child]
    F --> G[Return Block Children]

3. Database Retrieval and Caching:

graph TD
    A[Client: databases.retrieve] --> B{Cache: getDatabase}
    B -->|Hit| C[Return Cached Database]
    B -->|Miss| D[Notion API: databases.retrieve]
    D --> E[Cache: setDatabase]
    E --> F[Return Database]

4. Database Query and Caching:

graph TD
    A[Client: databases.query] --> B{Cache: getDatabaseChildren}
    B -->|Hit| C[Return Cached Database Children]
    B -->|Miss| D[Notion API: databases.query]
    D --> E[Cache: setDatabaseChildren]
    E --> F[Cache: setPage or setDatabase for each child]
    F --> G[Return Database Query Results]

5. Page Retrieval and Caching:

graph TD
    A[Client: pages.retrieve] --> B{Cache: getPage}
    B -->|Hit| C[Return Cached Page]
    B -->|Miss| D[Notion API: pages.retrieve]
    D --> E[Cache: setPage]
    E --> F[Return Page]