Notion Downloader

Notion Downloader

The Notion Downloader package documentation.


  • Backup your Notion pages and databases
  • Cache your downloads
  • Convert Notion content to Markdown
  • Flexible naming and layout strategies
  • Download assets
    • Images
    • Files
    • Videos
    • Audio
    • PDFs
  • Continuous pulling with revalidation


npm install notion-downloader


  1. Create a configuration file named downloader.config.cjs in your project root:
import { Config } from "notion-downloader"
const config: Config = {
  conversion: {
    outputPaths: {
      markdown: "./content/",
      assets: "./public/assets/",
    markdownPrefixes: {
      all: "",
      image: "/assets/",
    statusPropertyName: "Status",
    statusPropertyValue: "Publish",
    pageLinkHasExtension: false,
    slugProperty: "slug",
  rootDbAsFolder: true,
  rootObjectType: "database",
  rootId: "c974ccd9c70c4abd8a5bd4f5a294e5dd",
  cache: {
    cleanCache: false,
    cacheStrategy: "cache",
  logLevel: "debug",
  revalidatePeriod: -1,
export default config
  1. Run the downloader:
npx notion-downloader pull --notion-token "your-notion-token"

Configuration Options

The NotionPullOptions object supports the following options:

  • notionToken: Your Notion API token (required)
  • rootId: The ID of the root page or database to start downloading from (required)
  • rootObjectType: The type of the root object ("page", "database", or "auto")
  • rootDbAsFolder: Treat the root database as a folder (default: false)
  • cache: Caching options
  • revalidatePeriod: Period for revalidating content (in milliseconds)
  • logLevel: Logging level (default: "info")
  • conversion: Conversion options

Conversion Options

The conversion object allows you to customize how Notion content is converted:

  • skip: Skip conversion (default: false)
  • overwrite: Overwrite existing files (default: false)
  • slugProperty: Custom property to use as slug
  • statusPropertyName: Property name for filtering (default: "Status")
  • statusPropertyValue: Property value for filtering (default: "Done")
  • pageLinkHasExtension: Include file extension in page links (default: true)
  • outputPaths: Output paths for different file types
  • markdownPrefixes: Prefixes for markdown files
  • layoutStrategy: File layout strategy
  • namingStrategy: File naming strategy

Advanced Configuration

For more advanced configuration options, refer to the schema.ts file:

This file defines the schema for all configuration options, including enums for asset types, layout strategies, and naming strategies.