Video Support

Video Support

How to use Notion Downloader with video blocks.

Video Support

Notion Downloader supports video playback through the react-player package. This allows you to easily embed and play videos from various sources, including YouTube, Vimeo, and more.


Add the standardVideoTransformer plugin to your downloader config:

   "conversion": {
        "plugins": [

To use video playback in your Notion-exported content, simply include the ReactPlayer component from react-player:

import ReactPlayer from "react-player"
// In your component
<ReactPlayer url="" />

Known Issues and Solutions

When using react-player with React 18 and Next.js, you may encounter hydration errors. This is due to differences between server-side rendering and client-side rendering of the video component.

To resolve these issues, we recommend using version 3.0.0-canary.4 or greater of react-player. This version includes improvements that help mitigate hydration problems in many cases.


To install the recommended version:

npm install react-player@3.0.0-canary.4

Additional Resources

For more information on react-player and its usage, refer to the official react-player documentation.

If you encounter any issues specific to Notion Downloader's implementation of video support, please open an issue on our GitHub repository.